söndag 29 december 2013

Back Home-

I apologise for not updating my blog over the past few days.
As mentioned in my last post we spent Christmas in Lüneburg.
Just as I suspected there was no Internet at the house we stayed in,
but it was actually nice to be disconnected over the holidays.
I really got time to spend every minute with my family (:

During our staying I took tons of pictures, which I will post as soon as possible.
Tomorrow I'm returning to work, so today I took the opportunity to do some schoolwork and watch tv.
One of the things I watched was The Hobbit - an unexpected journey, since me and Noah are going to the cinema tomorrow night to see the second movie.
I must say I liked the movie better this time for some reason.
Maybe because it wasn't all new and I could focus more on the actual plot.

Hope you all had a great time during the holidays!

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